Bentley Infrastructure Cloud Bentley iTwin Platform Bentley PlantSight Bentley Synchro Bentley ProjectWise All of the above platforms, do a small piece of different functions all based on Bentley Cloud offering. These shall be simplified for the u...
Please include customized roles (manage roles) in InfrastructureCloud
Please include the option to customize roles (manage roles) under 'Manage your team', so that users can be divided into subdiscipline roles such as 'Civil' 'drainage' 'road' - it was possible in PW365 but not in infrastructure cloud (yet).
Select the items to copy from the project template
When trying to create a project in Infraestructure cloud, going through the “Pick Template” step and accessing the “Configure template” step does not allow me to choose the items to copy to the template. Attached are images of the problem. It woul...
In the future, can ProjectWise Explorer be configured so HTTPS links are the default? Have them be the default link obtained from the address bar, or disable the pw links entirely so users must use the Get Link menu to obtain links. With the incre...
When working with forms, there is the possibility to set an approval on a transition (see screenshot 1). The user or the role (all users in role) gets informed via mail when they have to appove a form. Current Situation: Unfortunatly, there is no ...
More and more users are leveraging User Group and User List Ownership. In datasources with many project user lists, it is become overwhelming to sift through user lists to find the ones that a given user owns. Consider adding some display options ...
Add document attributes (e.g. Checked out to) to Windows Explorer through ProjectWise Drive on-demand sync
This would allow users to work completely in the windows space, as opposed to having to use the web portal to find out who has the document checked out
When sending assigning a design task to an individual the email notification says that an ISSUE has been assigned to the recipient. For clarity the email notifications should reflect the item type that is being assigned. For instance a Design Task...
Visual icons for components to add differentiation
Adding visual icons to depict various differentiators for components such as difference in availability (think red, amber and green circles on the components) or ability to add cost and carbon values using icons (or text)
When using the column filter. Shortcut keys are not applicable CTRL+C, X, V. But instead, you need to use right click copy or paste. It would be more faster and time saver to use short cut keys.