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Showing 1194

Add customizable field on project homepage in the infrastructure cloud

We really like the project homepage in the infrastructure cloud. On this page we would like to inform our users about general communication like a NEWS pinboard. This would enable the project owner to publsih relevant information via the plattform...
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review

Is it possible to forbid to add documents in projectwise through the DRIVE ?

Is it possible to forbid to add documents in projectwise through the DRIVE ? and to allow only new documents through the WEB interface. Meaning the DRIVE would be used only "in reading".
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 2 Needs review

Attribut Adress

An attribute with the address of document in PW to make views and exports to Excel with the PW link of the associated document
about 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Support version creation

In project we have users that only interact with the projectWise drive. As such we would need to have them to be able to create new version of a document. Also the version number along with the workflow state should be display
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Deliverables Management Notifications

There should be an option to add someone that you wish to receive notifications of the review i.e there may be more than the person who submits the file that needs to know when a file is approved/rejected.
almost 3 years ago in Deliverables Management 1 Future consideration

Disable the PW Explorer button in the email notification

The PW Explorer button in the deliverable notification emails should be able to be disabled, as some users do not plan to use ProjectWise Explorer, and having two buttons that lead to the web portal is unnecessary.
9 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

New version when drag an drop

When we drag and drop a document, we have no option to create a new version. Also we need to make sure that if a new version is create and WRE is in use, we can tap in the WRE new version process. So basically we have two options to create a new v...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

document code when moving a document inside ProjectWise Explorer / Web

when a document gets moved from a ProjectWise folder (no document code) to a folder where a required document code is defined, the user can create the document without giving a code. However the user might have rights to add a new document code In...
about 2 years ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Open DGN much like PDF adhoc review

Open a DGN in PW365 in much the same way as PDF adhoc review. It would be good to have a view of the dgn without having to modify it similar to imodel reviews and such.
almost 3 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Allow the blocking of exporting folders within ProjectWise.

Currently, you can disable the export feature files but not for folders. Any basic user with read/file read permissions can export folder and all files in it, even if the files in the folder have export disabled. This allows anyone on the project ...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 3 Needs review