We would like to have a dedicated field use to synchronise project with projectwise drive. Project number when having a series of project is difficult to spot, especially when we have projets having number very similar Project name is often to lon...
Special Characters such as <> are found as invalid when creating document codes in PW 365. PW Explorer automatically changes these special characters to dashes which are supported. We would like PW 365 to behave the same way as Explorer.
Versions will automatically be labeled with A, B, C. There should be an option to choose for versions to be automatically numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4....
Notification for the sender of response like "All transmittal responses sended"
When someone send a response:The person sending the responses should receive a notification in their email with a summary of the responses sent, similar to the notification received by the issuer "All transmittal responses received."
User Interface: Allowing mouse buttons for "Page Forward" and "Page Back" to navigate folders
The page forward and back buttons on a mouse should navigate folders within projectwise. These mouse buttons are typically found on the side of a mouse for the thumb to control, but sometimes they're integrated into the mouse wheel so tilting the ...
It would be nice to be able to modify the document pane view more than just the columns. Would be very nice to be able to add colors or something so it is easier to look at.