currently need to create an issue and sketch within that issue. In Navisworks this is a tool and creates a saved view with the linework generated. It is extremely helpful for communicating in a model review and retaining the sketch for future use/...
Using the search function currently uses an OR function. If users type in multiple key words / tags then the results can contain many more components than needed. Being able to select an AND search function would allow users to focus down their se...
We end up having multiple rendition profile components and we would require a way to organize them ( see attach). The list will growth overtime If we could create a hierarchy like folder-SubFolder That would be a start
more details regarding workflow state changes in workflow
Could audit trail in PWE be updated to include more details so that when selecting options in a workflow the option selected is recorded - currently it just shows the change from one state to another. this would help users identify whish path was ...
Can we have the ability to reflect the same name across all the platforms like PW Explorer, PW Web, PW Web connections and in teams if a name change is done in one area
Can we have the ability to reflect the same name across all the platforms like PW Explorer, PW Web, PW Web connections and in teams if a name change is done in one area
PW admins should have the ability to look into the basic columns and change those attributes if the application server and database server is hosted in bentley cloud premises
PW admins should have the ability to look into the basic columns and change those attributes if the application server and database server is hosted in bentley cloud premises
i Think it would be very helpful to have the possibility to create Views similar like in the documents area. The Goal should be to identify very easy where is the latest version for the i model creation.
Currently the BCF import defaults all imports to the first iModel in the project. This does not enable working with several different imodels and BCFs. We would like a prompt which asks to which iModel the issue should be linked. Incident case: CS...
Autocad allows users to access the history of drawing within the Autocad session (as described in this help arcticle: ) As PW Drive is a OneDrive...