Please add the ability for Bentley IMS Administrators to see all of their organization's projects from the Project Dashboard - including projects they are not a member of. Currently the only way to to view all projects an organization owns is by d...
Pre set template (seed) file in ADCW based on the Managed WorkSpace variable
Currently MS_DESIGNSEED workspace variable can set seed file as template when using no wizard, however that variable does not set template if you use a Wizard. Organization have different seed files that they could apply based on the project or ev...
Request is to have a way to reposition and iModel that is wrongly geolocate. Example display the Survey Point or the the Project Base Point ( in the example of a REVIT file) and assign a new coordinate or move to a specific location. However that ...
Let iModel managers (validate) accept certain conversion issues
As an iModel Manager, I would like to have the possibility to mark certain conversion issues as accepted (because they are just minor glichtes). In our case, a file has some outlying elements (just two lines) that are out of bounds and not convert...
It's be very useful to have the ability to create links to PW Web that always points to the latest revision of the documents. This would be used in processes, procedures and such. Currently the links seem to use the object ID which changes when a ...
Provide embedded scripting environment for Client-side processing of Chages to attribute records.
An imbedded JavaScript runtime environment that would allowing an administrator to write the body for a trigger. This could be inserted into a template function that has a JSON encoded object containing the current attribute record data passed in ...
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB version
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managing.Please add this function. Thank you
Timeline for Insights should always start at the creation date of the project
I have noticed that the timeline for the dashboard sometimes starts long before the PW project was created. That happens if a document with older creation date, for example an Office template document or old README file, was included in the PW tem...