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For better compatibility between PW Explorer and PW Drive

Hi. Folder name in PW Drive can't have "windows spécial caracters". / \ " * | < > but, this "spécial caracters" are allowed in PW Explorer and create error in PW Drive, folders using this special caracters can't be retrieve in PW Drive....
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Show all versions shortcut

No description provided
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Export only Master File

There are times when we need to export multiple files from PW. Currently, if a file has references, then those are also exported, however, there are times when the references are not required to be exported. Adding the option to only allow the exp...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Is it possible to establish the User role within the User's profile on the Component Center portal?

Currently, within the Component Center library, there isn't an available feature to determine a user's assigned role or the level of access to the library they possess. To illustrate, if a user wishes to ascertain their level of access within the ...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Design System Integration 0 Needs review

popup concerning invalid character should detail the fullpath

It happens that PW Drive sends a popup with invalid character in folder or document name but it doesn't allow to fix the issue because it doesn't give the full path of folder(s) and document(s) concerned. It should detail the invalid full path.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

PW links from the Microsoft Teams chat

ProjectWise links should work directly with one click from the Microsoft Teams chat We do have Get Link functionality but it requires one extra hop.
11 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Export Team Members

Can a way to export the team members of a project be added? It would be great to be able export Team Members and their roles to a CSV or Excel file for management purposes.
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Documents .docm and other with macros are not possible to view in Infrastructure cloud (with the option "view")

I see that .docm extension is specific type of Documents with macros, which cannot be previewed in Bentley Infrastructure Cloud Projects, at all. It looks it is a global behaviour and it works as it has been designed that it does not show previews...
9 months ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Personal Document Sets

Hello Bentley I have an idea that Document Sets feature could be a component feature of the local user's folder, called Personal Document Sets that sit alongside the existing Saved Searches folder. A user can create one or more Personal Document ...
9 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Attach ref file option File/ Folder history

Hello, In MicroStation, when attaching a Ref file, there is a File and Folder history icon on the top right of the attach ref window. In ProjectWise Explorer this is not available. Could this please be added ? It helps us gaining time. Many Thanks...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review