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Infrastructure Cloud

Showing 288

ProjectWise 365 + Microsoft Teams Integration with iTwin

Looking at the MS Teams integration with iTwin, as this would be a great addition to allow project teams easier access to the platform. the Microsoft Teams application was developed back in the days when iTwin was not part of Projectwise it would ...
almost 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Consolidate Create and New ( interface ergonomy)

When we navigate to the Deliverable Management, the Create button and the new transmission button cause confusion. Users click the Create button because it is just above the button they just click to access Deliverable management. Whihc is in thei...
22 days ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review

Revizto integration

Request is to look for Revizto integration
23 days ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Display role for active user

Can there be an indicator on the general user's portal that shows what Project Role they belong. Right now, only Project Owners can access the roles and members. It would be great if all users could know what Role(s) they have been assigned.
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Future consideration

Enable project owner to export a user list

When managing proejcts in many projects, I sometimes need to report on who is in the Infrastructure Cloud project. As a project owner, I have no possibilty to export all users in the project. This is really annoying, especially in projects with 10...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Planned

Increase csv import user limit

ICP has a limitation that only 1000 users can added to a project at at time via CSV import tool. HS2 projects typically have circa 3000 members with Deliverables Management permissions.. I've attached an example spreadsheet which I used to import ...
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Future consideration

Measure Tool - Share Button

It would be good to be able to share my own Measurement/Dimensions with other Project Members. In old iTwin Design Review Platform there was a Share Button for each Dimension to publish it for all members. Would be good to get this back on current...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 2 Future consideration

Model Integrated dashboarding

dashboards that including model lists, objects, quantities and forms that are connected to a model viewer.
28 days ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review

Crane Radius Checks for Crane equipment and better markup tools

This would be useful for site engineers in construction to check lifting requirements. Current markup tools are very limited. Example of competitors similar toolsets.
28 days ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Suggestion to add a pop up when opening iModels

Opening on Behalf of Jacobs: I've been speaking with a couple of BIM leads, and they've suggested adding a pop-up to iModels when they're opened. This message would explain that drawings are the assured deliverables, while iModels don't go through...
about 2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review