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Infrastructure Cloud

Showing 285

sort iModel container by date

In order to get a better overview of the latest iModels, it would be helpful to be able to sort the containers by date, so that the latest containers appear at the top.
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 1 Planned

Notification Bell has an option where to open the package

If a project has users having a combined PWDI or PW365 license holders, the email notification for the project is configured using the variable Package URL – Portal + PWE. The email notification shows both options, to open the package in PWE or in...
almost 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Needs review

Missing Mention in Form comment

When we add comment under a form, we are nolonger able to use @ to mention someone.
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

Renaming Form Types in forms for Issue Resolution

It is currently not possible to rename form types which is inflexible if you require the need to update the name during the project as it develops.
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 1 Already exists

Tool to migrate Connected Project to ProjectWise 365

We are trying to increase adoption of ProjectWise Web with ProjectWise 365 within the company but have a number of existing Connected projects. We would like a tool to migrate/upgrade existing Connected projects to ProjectWise 365 projects in orde...
almost 3 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Planned

Notifying users of changes

It would be very helpful if users were notified of changes or updates in a forum or announcement, in advance preferably so a fix could be put in place if need be or we would know why a form suddenly broke etc..
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 1 Planned

Export Team Members

Can a way to export the team members of a project be added? It would be great to be able export Team Members and their roles to a CSV or Excel file for management purposes.
almost 3 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Project configuration Mulitple zone

When we configure a project, we are not able to create multiple zone to set the project limits. Request is to allow define multiple site limits and identify each with a unique number and eventually ( if require) assign a different project under BIC
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Future consideration

Markup tool for iTwin

Hi, in NavisWorks Manage we have the posibility to make notes and marks for itself and others in combination with an saved view to teh point of interest, called Redlining. Its very useful to prepare for meetings. Especially if we show the 3D Model...
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Needs review

Infrastructure Cloud- Multiple project owner

Seems like we can have only one owner per project Request is to allow to have multiple project owner or create a persona Project Administrator, which will be used to provide access to project administration.
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Planned