batch rename files using attribute or expression on export
It would be good to be able to batch rename files using attribute on export because there are many cases where the naming convention for PW documents required by clients makes a document difficult to find. For example, borehole logs are typically ...
To be able to copy and paste documents / folders directly in the projectwise web interface
It is only possible to move a file, but it is very necessary to be able to copy documents / folders inside the web interface, aim is fi. to duplicate attributes during the copy.
Saved Searches are forcing us to manually check out a file. We would like the saved searches to adhere to the document's parent folder's settings when using Open In Desktop App in PW365.
Please make icons/documents clickable in PW 365 such as office files and dgn file types. This will allow users to preview the documents without forcing the users to download the files.
Exporting Saved Search Data from PW365 or PW Web Viewer
We have some users who are needing to export data from some saved searches that we have in our ProjectWise 365 environment. In PWE we can right click on the data and select the "Copy List TO" option.
When create a new doc, with attribute, interface use CREATE by default Button instead of NEXT. NEXT is necessary, because attribute have to be set. When attribute needed, can you set by default NEXT button instead of CREATE ?
It appears the current setting for the creation of global saved searches is limited to Projectwise Administrators only. Would suggest this being amended to a user group or user list level to enable individuals in certain roles on the project be ab...
Within the new Infrastructure Cloud Web interface for projects, new projects created within this system can utilize Media Explorer, which allows you to easily view photos that exist within the Documents connection or have been attached to Forms. C...