When importing forms using the BCF import tool, I fill in my account under "Assigned User", the issue is assigned to me in ISR (as expected)
However, the Created by value also points to me (although this info exists in the BCF definition). Created Date is also set to the import date and not to the BCF date.
Why Is the creation date in Bentley important? Through the audit trail it will be possible that the issue was only created on a particular date within the system.
Add a field for Originator and Originator Date for the issue versus creation date and creator. What are the implications for round tripping? BCF only supports a single value for creation and creation date. BCF only cares about when the issue was created/originated. Does not need to know the date when it was created in Bentley.
This is a bug fix. The "Create By" and "Created Date" sould apply the inbound BCF values