The system can push a document response to an attribute.
Request is to have the possibility to manually push the response rather than wait for the system.
Also we would like to push other info like the transmission number so we could search from within PW document associate to a transmission
Practical use of functionality?
This will help get a more predictable result. Meaning we will not be at the trail of the system to populate the attribute. And wait for the system. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
A review was conduct and we still waiting for the system to populate the response. |
Currently the system works according to the following rules:
Response attribute value for a specific document appears only when all submittal recipients that were required to respond send their response for it.
If the recipient responds using Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer the response attribute value is updated immediately.
If the recipient responds using Deliverables Management in the Portal the response attribute value should be updated during the 5 minutes time span from response sending moment.
Could you tell us if you complied with the above rules and still can't see response attribute value appear at a timely fashion?