The select file window need to b redesign to make it more usable for a day tp day life.
example each time we need to tick back the Version and description
We cannot change the column layout, we cannot move it on the side. etc..
Use a saved search etc....
Practical use of functionality?
Make the selection of file more stream line |
What is the impact of not doing this?
make it less prone to error and time consuming |
Hello Justina
Yes, this work well when we initiate the first transmission. We conduct search and the documents can be attach to a new transmission.
The problem is downstream the process, for future version of the transmission.
Transmission are view as review session so new documents can be add.
OR ( I log under this AHA area but this could be log as well under forms)
Other web services use that windows.
Example under the forms that same window is use. So if we wanted to create a form to request print we can't use this for large dataset.
Have you tried using "Send to Deliverables" option from within ProjectWise Web connections/ Documents area? You can navigate to a saved search there, select all files and from top menu choose "Send to Deliverables" option. That would open a transmittal draft with your selected documents added to it.