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My votes: Design Task

Showing 8

Dock the model list on a separate screen

It would be highly beneficial if when moving the undocked list which is usually displayed to the right of the screen, it could be placed on another screen. This will free up the space and make it far easier for the user to navigate. Most users com...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

List of Due Items for ALL projects

Seems like having a list of projects doesnt help a user with tons of projects. If things are due, there should be a view that encompases ALL projects that a person is assigned to. Having to click inside each project is time consuming to get to the...
about 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Can you create a way to include notes on a team dashboard for a project?

It would be nice to be able to put notes on a dashboard that everyone that is working on the project can see as opposed to just people that are assigned a task.
almost 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

iTwin - Undocked list cannot be placed on another screen

Where the list of models, categories etc can be undocked, it can't be moved to another screen. It would greatly help navigation for the user, especially since most users work across two screens too. It allows better viewing of the design model and...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Make save visible

When editing a Form (Issue) the save button is hidden in a cascading menu Request is to have the Save visible as the default option when editing a form. OR Save should be available next to Cancel
almost 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task / Issues 0 Needs review

PW365 interface multivalue field inserting new value

Users who fulfil the document reference card could insert new values into a multivalue field. This is possible through explorer but just few people inside our organization has access to it so it could be useful for those who add attribute values t...
9 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Import Design Tasks

Need to be able to import a schedule of design tasks from excel or another outside source. Currently entry method for many tasks is very cumbersome.
almost 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Text box - Rich Text Editor

For each text bon that require to enter a text. Allow full editor just like he one above here when we enter idea
almost 3 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review