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Transition Permissions based on Role

Right now transition permissions is based on the access level of the FORM. We really need a method to permission transitions at the ROLE level. For example, if we have discipline specific transitions, we only want the transition displayed to be th...
about 3 hours ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Identify Files/Folders with Excessive Character Length

It should be possible, through insights, to identify the files whose paths exceed the allowed character limit. Using the logs in the drive is not reliable, and it should be easier to monitor and identify this issue.
1 day ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Access PW attribute data using Items

In OpenUtilities SubStation there is a module where you can import PW attribute data into an Itemset, this data can be used to generate reports or in a Named expression (we use this to fill in the Document title when we create PDF files). This sho...
19 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Review Sessions

Enable the ability to have review periods or sessions, and to establish notifications at a session level, rather than a comment level. Example: The review organizer sets a schedule for the QC review. Those in the reviewer role, will have a 5 day w...
about 4 hours ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Notification settings - Global and Project

Enable the project owner to set notification configurations for users unilaterally, across a project, or even organization, rather than requiring each user to configure their notifications. Overabundance of notifications drives people away from th...
about 4 hours ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Issues Summary Email

Enable the ability for users to receive a summary of all issues they are a participant in, once per day, instead of notification for every comment that changes. One email that lists the projects they are a part of and the status of comments that p...
about 4 hours ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Removing assigned Consolidator, then assigning a new one

The user removed the assigned Additional Reviewers and Consolidator since she wants to replace the assigned Consolidator but upon adding again Additional Reviewers and tagging one user as Consolidator, the user encounters an error and the process ...
about 18 hours ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Copy Forms without copying Roles

It should be a way to select only the forms to import from the template, without having to copy the required roles
1 day ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

change document creation wizrad dialog

please change the display of the document Creation in PW Explorer. The wizard should display all parts of the document code on the top of the dialog - like we do in PW Web > document code
1 day ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Future consideration

Add editing controls (visibility and access) for the default controls in Forms: Escalate, Related Forms, Map & Model Location,...

No description provided
1 day ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review