Model tree ability to visualise the models contents when selected in the model tree.
It would be very useful if we could click on a model in the model tree and have it highlight the geometry onscreen so we can see what is contained in that model before turning it off.
It would be a helpful feature if the Issues which createtd in in the 3D Design review had a link in the "My Work Inbox" or "My Issues" section to jump directly in the 3D Model with focus to the Issue.
Automatically identify the element linking the Forms to the iModel
To add value to the digital documentation management strategy using Forms (whether Issues or other types) add the element attribute; allowing to evaluate the elements of the model according to the number and type of associated forms.
We are being provide many files with no geolocalisation or wrong one. And we would like to make changes to the Imodel to place element to the correct geolocation. Request is to allow the option to change the localisation once the file have been sy...
Once we create a comparaison, we should be able to save it, so we can comeback without having to compare again. The same we can save a view, we should be able to save the comparaison results
If you are open an iModel there is no name written of it in the headline. If you have similar iModels (as I do) sometimes you get confused which one is opened. It would be a benefit if the headline would show the opened iModel name. For exmple: Pr...
Open a DGN in PW365 in much the same way as PDF adhoc review. It would be good to have a view of the dgn without having to modify it similar to imodel reviews and such.
Add geolocalization and set extends of a model in BIC like in PW365
As a user, I believe the PW365 functionality to set the extends of a model manually is missing in BIC (functionality is described here: