It is often useful to be able to review multiple PDFs at the same time so having the PDF open in a new tab, similar as it does in the Share drive, would be great
Trigger attribute value based on a group membership
Under an attribute we can set a trigger to update the value Request is to allow group or list membership to be a trigger. Example if member of a group, set attribute to Yes
The interface form is fix in terms of dimension, which limit us in terms of attributes we can place. To help us gain more space, we would like the option to display attributes label within the attribute.
Request is to allow better column header format. Example for column where the title is longer than the attribut, allow line return The filter icon and the sort icon take a lot of place on the header Be able to have a more compact layout will help ...
To my understanding the selected columns and their order in the ISR are saved locally through cookies. It would be really helpful to enable setting an intial setup for the columns for all project participants. This would prevent having to reconfig...
Model tree selected model information to the information widget
When selecting a model the information widget will display the details in regards to the that model in the information widget. This will negate the user hunting for an element and then being able to view the files properties. These are the propert...
Adding Select (SQL) queries to PW Environment attributes typically fails. The textbox does not highlight syntax errors. In execution, the error messages do not provide any details of the error that happened server-side. This difficulties debugging...