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When using Design Review overall it feels like there are too many clicks.

When working with Oklahoma DOT on 3D Design Review a comment that came up about the current iteration of Design Review is that is very click heavy. Just too many steps for something that should be or feel lighter.
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 1 Needs review

Corporate Admin

Request is to make sure we can define a corporate admin role that allow full access to any projects even if the corporate admin are not add as a participants. The idea is to avoid corporate admin being lock out a project
17 days ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Already exists

Add count functionality to PW WSG plugin to support WSG API $count Odata query option

This will open up the use of $count option in the Web Services Gateway Web API to streamline reporting. The option is documented in the WSG API but currently not supported in the plugin itself.
10 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal.

VDOT is looking for a way to automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal. We have over 1000 Locally Administered projects using PWDM and we're constantly adding new users to the user lists and that re...
7 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

A user created and managed list of datasource favorites would help navigation efficiency

Many organizations, my own included now have an extensive list of datasources in PWDI. When coupled with the extensive lists of other organizations as connections are made for work collaboration partnerships, these datasource lists can be overwhel...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 4 Future consideration

"Go To ProjectWise Web"

As it is in PW Web to go to same location in PW Explorer i would be very helpful to make it other way From PW Explorer to PW Web. Some of functions are only available in Web (multiple links) therefore it would increase productivity of users
6 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Default Frontstage option for Infrastructure Cloud

Ability to set or remember the default/starting Frontstage for user. Instead of just going to Main View when I use Civil most of the time.
2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 0 Future consideration

One PWProject for Internal and External parties

Currently, internal and external are using separate PW Projects for DM. We have to add external parties through "add external organization feature" and that basically creates a separate PW project for the external parties. As of today, If we put b...
2 months ago in Deliverables Management 0 Future consideration

Reduced Project Insights update time

We have requested a reduction in the time it takes to update certain projects in Project Insights. Today we need some projects to have their Project Insights updated more quickly due to the area's needs.
about 1 month ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Simplify Bentley's Cloud platforms

Bentley Infrastructure Cloud Bentley iTwin Platform Bentley PlantSight Bentley Synchro Bentley ProjectWise All of the above platforms, do a small piece of different functions all based on Bentley Cloud offering. These shall be simplified for the u...
about 2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud 0 Planned