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ProjectWise Design Integration

Showing 443 of 1192

Consolidate separate tabs in "Create a document" into a single dialog

The create a document dialog that appears when you try to copy a file on top of another file with the same name, is difficult for users to use. Having file naming on a separate tab is almost never noticed by users. Switching between the tabs to ma...
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Rendition Profile Components

We end up having multiple rendition profile components and we would require a way to organize them ( see attach). The list will growth overtime If we could create a hierarchy like folder-SubFolder That would be a start
6 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Open XREFS stored in ProjectWise from AutoCAD

Currently when opening a XREF that is referenced into a drawing from AutoCAD, it does not open the ProjectWise drawing file. Instead, it opens the temporary drawing file on the users' local drive.
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 3 Needs review

Add Support for MS_SEEDFILES Variable

Need the ability for the MS_SEEDFILES variable to work with the Advanced Wizard. Even after the seed files are in the 'Recently Used Templates', the path to the directory is so long that you can't see the seed file name without scrolling over. Als...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Need Offline use ProjectWise Explorer .453

Hello, Our PWE .271 worked when not connected with the Connection Client. There was some warning message when chenging folder but it worked. Now that we upgrade to PWE .453, PWE does not work at all withour the Connection Client. Since the Azure B...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Already exists

User Management Tool Sort/Filter Issue

In the PWE User Management tool, when multiple permission groups/lists are highlighted to apply to a user account and then the sorting order is changed of the permissions, the selection doesn't sort too, so the permissions highlighted are not the ...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

a way to have dynamic searches with system variables

a way to have dynamic searches with system variables is a very common requirement to have searches that are dinamic. that means for instance , return a document list that logged user needs to process. for instance: on attached file 1 - Windows_Ser...
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Add ability to change Condition check fail message for users.

When a condition check fails in the workflow it gives a cryptic message. "Error: For the document: '123456-ABC-00-01-ABCD-XX-000001' The attribute 'RV_NOTE_1' with value '' Does not satisfy the not empty condition'" Example above for Revision when...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Photo Metadata Integration in PW Explorer

Enhance PW Explorer to allow users to directly view and interact with photo metadata. For example, this would allow users to extract a 'Date Taken' property from a photo as use it as a column to then filter/sort the files.
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Showing services that ran on the Audit Trail per document.

How about summarizing the actions taken by the Bentley Services on the document Audit Trail customize report settings? The solution already caters for capturing the typical user interfaces for a specific document, but what about when the selected ...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review