When we respond to a submittal, in the same way we have a response report, we would need an issue report. This report will list all the issue that have been raised and the responder will be able to make a quick check, prior to send his transmittal.
Filter and display more colums when adding mulitple documents
When we add documents we can define which attribute to retrieve. Unfortunately we cannot display more than 5 columns. Even if we have more screen space. Request is to display more than five columns OR if we retrieve more than 5 attributes, allow u...
BIC - Design Document Review > PDF Markups > Export
BIC > Design Document review > PDF mark > Export During Export of the Document review a report (in PDF) is generated with info and JPEGs (when attached). Attached PDFs of the Document Review would be only exported as a attachment and mark...
batch rename files using attribute or expression on export
It would be good to be able to batch rename files using attribute on export because there are many cases where the naming convention for PW documents required by clients makes a document difficult to find. For example, borehole logs are typically ...
When an office document is in a co-Authoring state, anyone who try to view the document, will not see the latest edition of the document. The co-authoring session need to be end in order to have the view display all the latest changes. Request is ...
I would like to be able to hide everything except custom folders. In this way i can create my own environment with the files that i have and easily find files to attach/open when i need.