Add Navigation controls to Open in New Window Dialog
It is beneficial to Open Folders in New windows from PW, so users can have quick access to multiple folders. However, the New Window dialog doesn't have a back button so if you open a new folder, you are stuck.
We have a need to create and edit save search in batch. Example we have a 50 save search that need to be update. In one example, we had a generic discipline search and now we need to make it more detail » found electrical all drawings only. Which ...
When we define action under the WRE We need to restric which group(s) ( list of security) can view and perform an operation. Example, we have a request to change the project number ( which is a minor change) and we would like to create C01.01 (for...
Option to create a PWDM package on behalf of another user
Useful when a user needs to send a package on the behalf of another user that will need to respond to the package. Similar to the option in Outlook where you can coordinate a meeting on the behalf of another user.
When you select a form, the visualization should be the same as the one defined for editing. The fields should be disabled; however, this visualization would allow for a better understanding of the content.
It would be important for us to be able to edit the format of the PDFs exported from the forms created in ProjectWise, just as we have that option when working with forms in Synchro.
Printed form or Downloaded PDF Form in BIC environment doesnt allow to be printed as per the designed Layout. This is enabled in 365 and CONNECT Portal. We need the same in BIC environment as well
We would like to have a dedicated field use to synchronise project with projectwise drive. Project number when having a series of project is difficult to spot, especially when we have projets having number very similar Project name is often to lon...
Special Characters such as <> are found as invalid when creating document codes in PW 365. PW Explorer automatically changes these special characters to dashes which are supported. We would like PW 365 to behave the same way as Explorer.