Add count functionality to PW WSG plugin to support WSG API $count Odata query option
This will open up the use of $count option in the Web Services Gateway Web API to streamline reporting. The option is documented in the WSG API but currently not supported in the plugin itself.
Control or property for issue dashboard that can identify which imodel it pertains.
Is there a hidden binder that can be populated in a control which indicates what imodel an issue was created? In the dashboard/form views there are indicators that an issue came from an imodel or has a map location. It would be extremely helpful i...
We are in a need to create multiple workflow inside the same project. All workflow will merge to a commun trunk Which result in a giant workflow with mulitple branches. By doing this we are force to expose in the menu all choices of everybranch. R...
In PW 365, we would like Project metadata to be automatically updated from the Connected Work Area. For example, if a description or name changes on the Work Area in PW Explorer, the connected Project should also update it's metadata automatically.
Have ProjectWise 2023 reverted to allow unsecure server for caching
On behalf of Parsons and other users, please revert ProjectWise Gateway and routing in DMSKRNL to allow for routing of unsecure servers. Currently, if PWDI server or older is routed through a 2023 gateway or caching server, the traffi...
In PW WEb you can recodify the last version of a document, but if you do that, you lost all traceability of the document with their versions. I think recodification would be done only for administrators
Export to Excel: Implement Saved Folder Lists and a Toggle for Selecting All Subfolders
Currently when using Export to Excel, when you reach the "Select Documents" step, you have to individually select every subfolder to capture all documents in subfolders. This could be hundreds or thousands of folders, making this time consuming an...
Please add option "no-invitation-mail" into Bulk User Import to Project
In the past PW CONNECT Portal includes option (checkbox) "don´t sent invitation mail" when you were uploading large amount of users, using Import Users option. At BIC and now also at CONNECT it disappeared (see attachment). When uploading regularl...
Automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal.
VDOT is looking for a way to automate the synching of the user lists to add the new users to the projects in the portal. We have over 1000 Locally Administered projects using PWDM and we're constantly adding new users to the user lists and that re...
"OR" function configuration in DDM / Distribution of Transmittal
Below is the detail scenario: Example: No of Document: 01 Document Number: Doc-001 Transmittal Number: TRN-001 Stakeholders: TRN creator: Person: A TRN Receivers / Reviewers: Person B & Person C (Withing same team, Let's say Civil Team) Enhanc...