Below is the detail scenario:
No of Document: 01
Document Number: Doc-001
Transmittal Number: TRN-001
TRN creator: Person: A
TRN Receivers / Reviewers: Person B & Person C (Withing same team, Let's say Civil Team)
Enhancement requested:
If any of the reviewers (Person B or Person C) will respond to TRN-001, Doc-001 with appropriate code, then below actions are expected:
1. Person A will receive system generated mail: "All responses have been received" (Document should not be pending with anyone even though one reviewer has yet not responded)
2. TRN should be part of "Show All Completed" filter (Path: Deliverable Management service - Outgoing - Filter option)
Practical use of functionality?
If multiple reviewers are of same team and Team mutually agreed on transmittal review strategy in such a way that any of the reviewers will review document and close transmittal then, everyone's effort of closing and reviewing document will be saved. Here we have considered everyone as a "Reviewer" with "OR" condition. |
What is the impact of not doing this?
Please consider adding the PW manage porfolio workflow engine to PWDM to help us confgure the desire behviour