Provide embedded scripting environment for Client-side processing of Chages to attribute records.
An imbedded JavaScript runtime environment that would allowing an administrator to write the body for a trigger. This could be inserted into a template function that has a JSON encoded object containing the current attribute record data passed in ...
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB version
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managing.Please add this function. Thank you
In PW Explorer if you have document with old versions and current version is read-only there is not way to understand which version of document is latest greatest as they all show 'read-only book' Old version documents should get different icon to...
When we set a connection, we are ask to select either a design file or a saved search. If we select a design file, the windows ( see attach) to select a file does not provide enough information and cannot be resize to display all the column inform...
Add ability to change Condition check fail message for users.
When a condition check fails in the workflow it gives a cryptic message. "Error: For the document: '123456-ABC-00-01-ABCD-XX-000001' The attribute 'RV_NOTE_1' with value '' Does not satisfy the not empty condition'" Example above for Revision when...
We have a bunch of REVIT document being corrupt and once the synchro is launch, we have no way to stop it. Request is to add a stop/kill switch so we can stop the synchro and remove the corrupt REVIT
Request is to enhance the performance when a model is synchronize. In one of the test we conduct, it took 12 minutes to synchronize a concrete slab or 25mx25m. We would expect to be 1 min or less. 15 to 30sec would be the target.
We invite external participants so they can have their own PWDM. Once a transmission is sent ( for information), the externals would need to add comments directly on the native PDF. Being external they do not have a direct access to the pdf. Reque...
Need the ability for the MS_SEEDFILES variable to work with the Advanced Wizard. Even after the seed files are in the 'Recently Used Templates', the path to the directory is so long that you can't see the seed file name without scrolling over. Als...