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Showing 1124

Dock window to show all checked out files

Improved visibility of checked out files. Easy to check files in if 'check in' window fails to open after closing files.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

New version of DM transmittal

After we receive the response from the client, and comments are address. We submit a new version of the Transmittal. The request is that DM recognize which document have new version compare to the previous Transmittal version and select them for u...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Additional Tabs Dispaly (except Incoming/Outgoing/Draft)

The PWDM/365, the tabs are cross-linked and sort of hidden beneath each other as it is falling under main tabs only which is INCOMING, OUTGOING only, unlike with Eadocs (Bentley PWCM) for example, all necessary package types are displayed such as ...
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement

Column Adjustments

The columns cannot be adjusted to see the full subject of the submitted document, would suggest that the columns are movable.
over 1 year ago in Deliverables Management 1 Will not implement

Initial Response time is useless

I don't need to hear about stats on initial response based on when a ticket is created. Big ol' nothingburger. The only useful stat is when a ticket has been assigned to an individual to begin working it.
11 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Option to include to two to three date stamps in the rendition server profile as that might help based upon the client

Option to include to two to three date stamps in the rendition server profile as that might help based upon the client
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Request to include rendition option even through PW Drive

Request to include rendition option even through PW Drive as how we have in PW Web and in Explorer.
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Creating Project Links PW 365

Users are unable to quickly get to projects in PW 365 as they are in ProjectWise Explorer. We need a way to create Project Links in PW 365. Currently they get created as HTTP links and not as documents as it is done in ProjectWise Explorer and thi...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Folder & Files DESCRIPTION by fault (copying the folder NAME)

When putting a new folder in projectwise explorer, we have 2 fields to fill in, NAME and DESCRIPTION, and using some views only with "DESCRIPTION', we have a need to fill in this DESCRIPTION field. We would like to have it by fault proposed as a c...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Ability to display more than 4 disciplines on the By Discipline tab

I would imagine most projects have more than 4 disciplines on the project and the ability to display more than 4 disciplines on the By Discipline tab would be helphful.
over 4 years ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 2