As of now user is able to access the setting tab who has the access of Deliverable management.Tthe user who has acceess for approve RFI He/she is also able to delete the user and also can modify the user access. As this access should be limited wi...
I thought PW365 was for any type of user. Users who might not even have any Bentley licenses. But, as it stands, it's only for those with a Bentley license and some kind of Visa or Projectwise.
From the manage iModel page When we select an iModel, we should have the possibility to open the iModel in a specific display configuration to avoid loading objects that are not relevant to what we need to check
Collapse Environment Attributes in "Pick ProjectWise Attributes"
If the project has a large number of environments, even the filtered list of attributes when often requires a scroll to find the right attribute from the right environment. (2.png) As there is no way to limit the environments in the connect projec...
In the error messages within PW365, it would be nice to have suggestions on how to fix such errors such as user management, unable to add user. Why? perhaps: user not found in project or permissions denied.
If I have components with two tags, I should be able to add filters for both and only find components with tag 1 AND tag 2. As it is now, I get all components that have either of the two.