Enable users to see who is on the project (make special right)
Currently, a normal user cannot see the project participants. This is exclusively accesible by the project owner role. There is a workaround that this person creates an issue and looks into the assign to dropdown. But this is not really a satisfyi...
Request to add option in ProjectWise to open documents in a new browser tab.
Hi ProjectWise365 Ideas team, Our Western Power Users are reporting that when they click on PDF drawings and schematics in ProjectWise Web View, it opens in a PW “viewer” instead of opening as a PDF in a separate browser tab or window. Currently t...
Increase the Description Property to 255 Characters
Bentley has several users that integrate PWDI with AssetWise ALIM. The standard mapping when integrating these two solutions is to send the ALIM Title to the PWDI Description field. The ALIM Title is 255 characters long. With PWDI at less than 255...
Extend Get Link function in PWDI to Get Links to share multiple files/folders.
This feature exists in PW Web, where I can select multiple files and select Get Links. This feature then provides multiple web links for each document/folder. This feature should be extended in ProjectWise Design Integration, because we have 1,000...
When working with forms, there is the possibility to set an approval on a transition (see screenshot 1). The user or the role (all users in role) gets informed via mail when they have to appove a form. Current Situation: Unfortunatly, there is no ...
Issues should have the same ID in the redline annotations and in the markup listing
When markups are added to a transmittal by the reviewers and then returned to the submitter, the submitter sees the receiving in ID numbering on the redline annotations (e.g. SUB-0001) however in the Markup listing with the comments the issues are...
Something that's driven me crazy for years is the Export tool in ProjectWise Client.
Many times, I want to export the selected file and NOT the references...
Lots of reasons why I may want to do this and, regularly, our files have 20, 30...
It would be nice to receive a summarizing mail with all issues, just like Microsoft Teams do with missed activities. This to avoid a spam of mails, when people are doing the design review. Therefore it could be nice to have the option to chose the...
When creating an issue in the PDF view/review tools, it would be nice if the dialog could be docked to the left or right of the view. Currently this dialog is a free floating entity and depending on view resolution can get stuck off screen when ch...