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Infrastructure Cloud

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Workflow improvement

Infrastructure Cloud - A task needs to be first created in draft before it can be assigned and forwarded - Workflow improvement required because to many steps required - maybe turns into enhancement request
10 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Infrastructure Cloud - Group markups in PDF viewer and assign as one issue

Markups/issues in pdf viewer are individually added to issues. Can we group markups and assign as one issue.
10 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

iTwin - swap the sequence of file description and file name

In the list of iModel names within the list tree, the model descriptions are shown before the file number. In ProjectWise, files are listed as File Name, and then File Description. This makes it easier to determine the owner/discipline/sequence of...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Future consideration

iTwin - Undocked list cannot be placed on another screen

Where the list of models, categories etc can be undocked, it can't be moved to another screen. It would greatly help navigation for the user, especially since most users work across two screens too. It allows better viewing of the design model and...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Task 0 Needs review

Format of Forms

It can be difficult to digitize documents that are in landscape format. The width of Forms is limited and extending the default width may slow down your setup. It is a necessity to be able to extend the possible width of the form to landscape format.
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Work Inbox 0 Needs review

Within issue form review, clicking attachements opens a preview and not download

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud 0 Needs review

Integrate Issue Resolution on any ProjectWise document with ProjectWise WEB & DRIVE

With standard PW explorer integration, we can create an issue from the integrated application and get the link to the PW document with the issue form. We don't have this functionality with PW Web and Drive to link a PW document to an issue form. I...
almost 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

BCF - enable iModel selection

Currently the BCF import defaults all imports to the first iModel in the project. This does not enable working with several different imodels and BCFs. We would like a prompt which asks to which iModel the issue should be linked. Incident case: CS...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design review - 3D 1 Needs review

Allow Projects to Cancel Synchronizations

We had a situation where there was an issue in our source models that caused the synchronization process to hang/fail (SR 7001478437). Instead of writing a ticket and waiting for Bentley to cancel the synchronization (which took days), the Project...
over 2 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud 1 Future consideration

Secondary User Authentication

When a user who owns many connections is away and cannot authenticate their account, the associated iModels can no longer be sync and update. It would be good to be able to authenticate on their behalf or have another solution to prevent this brea...
6 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review