It would be important for us to be able to edit the format of the PDFs exported from the forms created in ProjectWise, just as we have that option when working with forms in Synchro.
Printed form or Downloaded PDF Form in BIC environment doesnt allow to be printed as per the designed Layout. This is enabled in 365 and CONNECT Portal. We need the same in BIC environment as well
This option in PW Explorer as a right-click menu selection option is very useful to our users. It would be very beneficial to also have this functionality in PW 365.
Is there any way we can natively support exporting the iTwin model to glTF format for use in the Unreal Engine?
PW365 interface multivalue field inserting new value
Users who fulfil the document reference card could insert new values into a multivalue field. This is possible through explorer but just few people inside our organization has access to it so it could be useful for those who add attribute values t...
When we select an object in the graphical interface of the iModel (3D). We should have the option to scroll to the element in the right side browser « Finding parts In a complex or unfamiliar assembly, it can sometimes be difficult to determine wh...
Versions will automatically be labeled with A, B, C. There should be an option to choose for versions to be automatically numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4....
Currently approval is not possible by role only by user. In the dialogue which is reachable through the workflow (edit transition, snapshot 1), it looks like it is possible to assign a role for approval and not only a specific user. However, when ...
Pdf markup - default filter settings for markups/issues
It should be possible to change default filter settings for issues pane. We would like to see all closed issues as default. Now we have to change the setting each time we open a drawing.