I wasn't sure where to post this request Coming from a presentation about the various developments environments. The request is consolidate into a single entry point/library (or as few as possible) to ease the developers job to writing code.
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managment.Please add this function. Thank you
Support for all kinds of DGN Library Files and their content for Renditioning. ProjectWise has been in development for a decade yet still no support for Design library Resources created and used in ProjectWise.
It would be great to add system variables to configure saved searches in PW Explorer. I.e. PW Administrators could create a saved search like "Documents assigned to me", where some field contains $USER.NAME$. When the user executes it, a personali...
Can a way to export the team members of a project be added? It would be great to be able export Team Members and their roles to a CSV or Excel file for management purposes.
Rules Engine could have an option in the configuration to define the version creation as an abstract document. Depending on process of customer, he can define if the creation will be as the default of ProjectWise or an Abstract Document
ContextWe have two interface ( A and B), each having a different set of attribute. We also have two View V1 and V2 Under the PW explorer: If we choose the combination V1+A All the columns will be displayed and the name will be the label name If we...