Document Code works a bit differently by having extra characters appear in pull-down lists when those characters don't appear in PW Explorer. There is an SR for this issue, SR 7001550314
currently we have this data in the measurement properties, but being able to visually see the components as we can in Navisworks is a better tool for "show and tell" while performing a design review
Desperately need a way to recover Access Control settings
We recently had a problem with some access control. Someone inadvertently pushed an access list through an entire regions work area folders. They picked the wrong option in the dialog and destroyed (Overwrote) all of the access models under that r...
Currently, when working in ProjectWise (PW), Importing Item Types doesn't open PW dialog for selection of an Excel file to import and instead normal non-ProjectWise dialog opens. This functionality needs extended to PW dialog. It is reasonable to ...
Users while working with the Word documents keep the track changes settings enabled and wants to get all those changes in the form of table in the PDF rendition. Currently it is only possible to do it manually by print options which is not efficie...
Request is to allow the rendition service to update attribute. Example we produce a PDF for review and would like the rendition service to add R in the document code as prefix/suffix to an attribute
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managment.Please add this function. Thank you