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Infrastructure Cloud

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Please add option "no-invitation-mail" into Bulk User Import to Project

In the past PW CONNECT Portal includes option (checkbox) "don´t sent invitation mail" when you were uploading large amount of users, using Import Users option. At BIC and now also at CONNECT it disappeared (see attachment). When uploading regularl...
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Provide Project Form Creation rights without rights to create new Fields

Forms can be Global or Project Based. The Fields in a Form, however, are Global in definition. It would be helpful to allow a larger audience to create Forms by selecting existing Fields but restrict the creation of new Fields to a smaller audienc...
3 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Control or property for issue dashboard that can identify which imodel it pertains.

Is there a hidden binder that can be populated in a control which indicates what imodel an issue was created? In the dashboard/form views there are indicators that an issue came from an imodel or has a map location. It would be extremely helpful i...
3 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Needs review

Simplify Bentley's Cloud platforms

Bentley Infrastructure Cloud Bentley iTwin Platform Bentley PlantSight Bentley Synchro Bentley ProjectWise All of the above platforms, do a small piece of different functions all based on Bentley Cloud offering. These shall be simplified for the u...
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud 0 Planned

Please include customized roles (manage roles) in InfrastructureCloud

Please include the option to customize roles (manage roles) under 'Manage your team', so that users can be divided into subdiscipline roles such as 'Civil' 'drainage' 'road' - it was possible in PW365 but not in infrastructure cloud (yet).
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Planned

Link forms and document attributes

The idea behind this request is to make the most of the Infrastructure Cloud functionalities by connecting them together. Typically, projects have different requirements in terms of Document Management, and the effort that re-configuring the PW Ad...
over 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 5 Needs review

PDF Review - Create Issue Dockable Dialog

When creating an issue in the PDF view/review tools, it would be nice if the dialog could be docked to the left or right of the view. Currently this dialog is a free floating entity and depending on view resolution can get stuck off screen when ch...
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Issues 0 Future consideration

Make project Inactive

Under the Connect Portal we had the possibility to set a project Inactive. That same option does not seems to be available under Infrastructure cloud This is usefull for us in the process of decomission a project once complete.
4 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Future consideration

Download Comments to Single PDF

For Quality Control documentation, it is necessary to export official comments to a PDF for tracking. Currently, the export all comments function downloads each comment as an individual PDFs in a .zip file. While we can then merge these later, it ...
7 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

Export users ability in Infrastructure Cloud

You have the ability to import users but not export to excel document or another format.
5 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 1 Future consideration