Currently it's very hard to track what is a previous version of a document vs a different document entirely. This is especially problematic if the document has been renamed and/or the user has read-only access to the active version.
Document Code works a bit differently by having extra characters appear in pull-down lists when those characters don't appear in PW Explorer. There is an SR for this issue, SR 7001550314
currently we have this data in the measurement properties, but being able to visually see the components as we can in Navisworks is a better tool for "show and tell" while performing a design review
Documents .docm and other with macros are not possible to view in Infrastructure cloud (with the option "view")
I see that .docm extension is specific type of Documents with macros, which cannot be previewed in Bentley Infrastructure Cloud Projects, at all. It looks it is a global behaviour and it works as it has been designed that it does not show previews...
Download all to csv button in infrastructure cloud
The issues control panel in infrastructurecloud now has the button to download everything to csv, but when I choose some issues to export to csv, this button is no longer there. I request that the functionality to download only the issues I have c...
At present you can obtain PWE links to multiple files using the Send to > Mail recipient as link option. It would be very handy if this SendTo option could also provide links for a PWE and PW Web option. For our external groups using PW Web, we...
To be able to change the document code in Projectwise WEB
Hello, in Projectwise web it is not possible to change the document code of a document, whereas it is possible in the explorer, and this is mandatory function for document managment.Please add this function. Thank you
Export Data source Wizard Detailed Report : Format : report viewable in a tabular Excel or CSV format? Can it be edited and re-imported following updates? Can we export multiple global saved searches for review? Feasibility as QA Approach : When w...