Can a method be added to display what projects a user is a member of and their role(s) in the project? As an administrator, I shouldbe able to check what projects a user is a member of and what their role(s) are in each project. This is necessary ...
Interface rendering in PW Web, make this easier to see, more like PW Explorer (it currently renders things in odd places) and easier to use, without the need to hit the pencil to edit attributes.
Users would like the ability to monitor activity in real time as files are synchronized/uploaded, with the option to monitor activity across all synchronized projects or on a per project basis. Would also like to be able to view synchronization/up...
The Use Management tool is extremely useful but users can find it difficult to use on systems where there are a large number of Groups and User Lists. I would like to see a Checkbox option to filter the list of available Groups/Lists to just the o...
Scan References should have option to only look for missing references
Usually it's something simple like a titleblock reference on all drawings missing but scan ref forces us to redefine the location of all models. Only looking for missing references would prevent a lot of pain.
Seems like having a list of projects doesnt help a user with tons of projects. If things are due, there should be a view that encompases ALL projects that a person is assigned to. Having to click inside each project is time consuming to get to the...
There should be an option to add someone that you wish to receive notifications of the review i.e there may be more than the person who submits the file that needs to know when a file is approved/rejected.
Project Search bar to main page of the Infrastructure Cloud portal
Currently project search bar in Infrastructure Cloud portal is hidden behind "All Projects" -button at the bottom of page, then user needs to click again search icon to get search bar visible and finally user can write search text. This is not use...
Open a DGN in PW365 in much the same way as PDF adhoc review. It would be good to have a view of the dgn without having to modify it similar to imodel reviews and such.