When doing co-authoring in Web it is possible for the owner of the co-authoring session (the first who started the session), to decide to end the session without telling it to the other participants. The owner get plenty of warnings before he ends...
Exporting Saved Search Data from PW365 or PW Web Viewer
We have some users who are needing to export data from some saved searches that we have in our ProjectWise 365 environment. In PWE we can right click on the data and select the "Copy List TO" option.
When you select a form, the visualization should be the same as the one defined for editing. The fields should be disabled; however, this visualization would allow for a better understanding of the content.
It would be important for us to be able to edit the format of the PDFs exported from the forms created in ProjectWise, just as we have that option when working with forms in Synchro.
Import/Export Excel Able to Use ProjectWise Locations for Excel File Location
Add the ability for the location of the Excel files used in the Import/Export Excel tool to be able to choose locations within ProjectWise. Currently you can only choose locations from your local computer or server. This is a problem when consulta...
We have had many issues where users run a Scan References and Link Sets against a folder or many files and they do not know what they are doing. Many hours have been spent fixing the references.
When create a new doc, with attribute, interface use CREATE by default Button instead of NEXT. NEXT is necessary, because attribute have to be set. When attribute needed, can you set by default NEXT button instead of CREATE ?
more details regarding workflow state changes in workflow
Could audit trail in PWE be updated to include more details so that when selecting options in a workflow the option selected is recorded - currently it just shows the change from one state to another. this would help users identify whish path was ...