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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2024

OpenUtilities Substation ICS to PDF Renditioning

Hi There,

We highly rely on the renditioning feature in ProjectWise to a PDF our approved drawings.

Our design workflow has automations in place, when a drawing is approved in ProjectWise the rendition engine will automatically create a PDF such that this file can be used for both comment, construction and As-built document records (within Digital Twin and our enterprise management system).

So far this functionality of ProjectWise has been a pivotal component of our workflow and has allowed us to be more efficient and aligns directly with our Governance controls within the ProjectWise rules engine.

It has come to our attention however, that this only seems to work with MicroStation Drawings. With our incorporation of intelligent design, we are now heavy users of Bentley's intelligent design software (for example, OpenUtilities Substation) the above process still works (in theory) but the output results of the drawings are not consistent. In most cases the renditioned PDF is unusable which requires manual PDF'ing from within OUS and then manually replacing each of the PDF drawing/s. (e.g., missing items, not reading pen tables, display styles or lines styles etc)

With the continuous growth of intelligent digital design software within Bentley's suite of programmes, we believe at Essential Energy it is imperative this functionality continues within Bentleys Document Management System (ProjectWise). If this functionality is not incorporated, I feel this would be a significant loss as we would see a significant reduction is staff utilisation, governance control and the efficiency that in turn increases design costs.

Thank you
