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Assign multiple additional reviewers

When we receive a transmittal and we need to ask multiple additional reviewer, the additional reviewers seem assign per document not per the whole transmission.

Forward on the other hand seem to allow sending the whole transmittal to external to collect their feedback, but does not seems recommend for internal additional reviewers???

Request is to allow adding multiple additional reviewers for a whole transmission not per document

Practical use of functionality?

As the main reviewer I received a transmittal with 20 documents and I wanted to send all those documents to a set of additional reviewers to get their input.

I have to key-in the additional reviewers names for each document 20x5 which mean 100 reviewer. Be able to set additional reviewer at the transmission level will help.

Of course keep the additional reviewers at the document level in case we need to add a specific additional reviewer for a specific document

What is the impact of not doing this?

Time and process more complex, less streamline

  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2023

    Thank you Justina

  • Admin
    Justina Jureviciene
    Oct 2, 2023

    Please see the below picture for more details.

  • Admin
    Justina Jureviciene
    Oct 2, 2023

    If you want to add reviewers to all documents at once, use the check box above the document table to select everything and "Add reviewers" button. If you have folder structure, first use search above table to search for all documents '*'.