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My ideas

Showing 1212

Powershell Commandlet to be able to set Workflow State Security on Templates.

I have 25 districts and we have a workflow that has 15 steps. In the folders in our template there are 5 division users that are set on all templates/projects but there are also 2 folders with 5 district user lists that get applied. So it is an ex...
about 2 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Disable Read-Only by default in "Open With" option

It would be helpful if "Open Document as Read-only" is unchecked by default in "Open-with" option. Thx.
9 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Audit trail when settings are changed

In PW365 or Bentley Infrastructure Cloud, Bentley should have an audit trail of sorts to show when a user has changed the settings for PW Drive projects. For example, a user can go to Enterprise Administration and change the name and search functi...
29 days ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Distribution rule filed should be configurable - Mandatory or Non-Mandatory

It will be useful in case project is configured with DDM template and one should not be allowed to add participants manually. With this feature, Business will get benefits in terms of avoiding project delay as incorrect recipients' addition error ...
3 months ago in Deliverables Management 1 Future consideration

Enhance Document set

DocumenT Set/Flat set could be enhance to allow this concept of part item find in mid/high PDM/PLM systems Below the concept demonstrate under SolidEfge/Sharepoint A similar concept exist u...
7 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

ability to change document state from PW Drive

would like to be able to change a document state from PW Drive
7 days ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

have web hooks/listeners for document state changes

right now from PWDI we can use the api to watch for document state changes. but we have to push that code locally to every machine. and if someone changes the state from the cloud side there isnt currently a way to watch/listen for that. would be ...
7 days ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Access PW attribute data using Items

In OpenUtilities SubStation there is a module where you can import PW attribute data into an Itemset, this data can be used to generate reports or in a Named expression (we use this to fill in the Document title when we create PDF files). This sho...
4 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Copy Access Control when Copy/Paste by default

Most ProjectWise users cannot modify access control settings. Consequently, when they copy and paste a folder and accept the default prompts, they encounter an error message. To avoid this, users must navigate to the Advanced tab and uncheck the "...
14 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Links to and/or list of issues associated with a document record

When moving a document through a workflow it would be good if you could see and work with a list of issues raised against that document in a review. It would also be good to be able to open the marked-up PDF rendition of the document. This would b...
8 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review