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My ideas

Showing 36

Need to have the thumbnails visible in the Bentley Plug-in similar to Web browser.

Can we have the web browser and the Bentley Plugin "Content" interface same
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Design System Integration 0 Planned

User Sync Service enhancement - Scan AD groups Create\Manage IMS accounts

Given SES around the corner, it's ideal to enable SSO with IMS especially for big companies traditionally, big companies rely upon AD to sync AD users & user groups in, then control PW access based upon PW groups (sync'd from AD) To facili...
over 5 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Planned

Integrate AutoCAD Civil 3D Survey Databases

This is a frequent user request. We had talked about this several months ago with Sergey. The Survey Databases can be handled decently with PW flat sets which makes me think a similar zip/unzip tool like we use for .CivilDSProj files might work.
almost 6 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Planned

Localized Interface

I dont know if you know: Many Projects are local with locals communicating in the local language. The threshold to communicate through a platform with a foreign language is for most stakeholders - and the deciders nonetheless - a NoGo from first g...
almost 4 years ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Planned

Add item types

item types can be used to attach internal company data (like our internal order numbers) to each part. Once the component is placed, a report can be generated to build a material list including company specific information.
over 4 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center 1 Planned


Is Bentley looking at this?
over 3 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Planned