Recalling a responded/closed transmittal must require confirmation first from the recipient before it proceed
It is understandable that there may be cases wherein responded/closed Transmittal might still need to be recalled, but said recall must be agreed first by both the sender and the recipient. This can be done by adding the process wherein the recipi...
Since this is relate to project management. I feel this should be link to Project Insight. When we start a project we have a gantt chart that allow us to track project startup activities. Request is to have a gantt chart capabilities. Exemple we c...
Exporting Saved Search Data from PW365 or PW Web Viewer
We have some users who are needing to export data from some saved searches that we have in our ProjectWise 365 environment. In PWE we can right click on the data and select the "Copy List TO" option.
It seems office attributes integration is not possible while using PW Drive or PW Web. To add/update attributes with document, user have to use PWDI and this is a pain.
As we wanted to have multiple project under the same datasource, we need to copy environment to make small tweak. Example document code may change from project to project. As such, if we copy a set of environment we end up with a big list of envir...
When create a new doc, with attribute, interface use CREATE by default Button instead of NEXT. NEXT is necessary, because attribute have to be set. When attribute needed, can you set by default NEXT button instead of CREATE ?
Request Have the document code independent of the environment Have enhancement for the Revision code so it can be configure the same way as the document code. The Document code and the revision code should be independent but could be link to an en...
Test ProjectWise Drive absolute path feature & functionality. As this is a global setting we cannot test this without making changes to all production datasources.
When doing co-authoring in Web it is possible for the owner of the co-authoring session (the first who started the session), to decide to end the session without telling it to the other participants. The owner get plenty of warnings before he ends...