ProjectWise 365 + Microsoft Teams Integration with iTwin
Looking at the MS Teams integration with iTwin, as this would be a great addition to allow project teams easier access to the platform. the Microsoft Teams application was developed back in the days when iTwin was not part of Projectwise it would ...
Add permission to checkout in access control rules
It would be fantastic to have a permission to avoid users checking out the document when it has passed the Draft/WIP status, while allowing them to open/download the document. This would reduce administrative burdens for Document Managers taking c...
PWDM - General Correspondence and RFI package types should have their own security assignments in the manage roles section
Product Area: PWDM - RFI, GC package Types. Requirement: PWDM security configuration does not provide package level granular control for allocation of user access. Users who are implementing General Correspondence (GC) and RFI types would prefer t...
Add count functionality to PW WSG plugin to support WSG API $count Odata query option
This will open up the use of $count option in the Web Services Gateway Web API to streamline reporting. The option is documented in the WSG API but currently not supported in the plugin itself.
Provide Project Form Creation rights without rights to create new Fields
Forms can be Global or Project Based. The Fields in a Form, however, are Global in definition. It would be helpful to allow a larger audience to create Forms by selecting existing Fields but restrict the creation of new Fields to a smaller audienc...
Have ProjectWise 2023 reverted to allow unsecure server for caching
On behalf of Parsons and other users, please revert ProjectWise Gateway and routing in DMSKRNL to allow for routing of unsecure servers. Currently, if PWDI server or older is routed through a 2023 gateway or caching server, the traffi...
Control or property for issue dashboard that can identify which imodel it pertains.
Is there a hidden binder that can be populated in a control which indicates what imodel an issue was created? In the dashboard/form views there are indicators that an issue came from an imodel or has a map location. It would be extremely helpful i...
In PW 365, we would like Project metadata to be automatically updated from the Connected Work Area. For example, if a description or name changes on the Work Area in PW Explorer, the connected Project should also update it's metadata automatically.
Open models directly from projectwise in BIC with no wait time and without creating a connection
to be able to have the flexibility to navigate through projectwise in BIC and open a model directly without having to wait for a connection to run. users are use to navigating through folder structures to find what they need not find in a federate...