For Quality Control documentation, it is necessary to export official comments to a PDF for tracking. Currently, the export all comments function downloads each comment as an individual PDFs in a .zip file. While we can then merge these later, it ...
Under the current workflow, the iTwin Owner cannot be assigned other roles on the project. This works from an entitlement standpoint but does not allow for their participation in forms/workflows. We often need our iTwin owners to also be the ones ...
Increase the Description Property to 255 Characters
Bentley has several users that integrate PWDI with AssetWise ALIM. The standard mapping when integrating these two solutions is to send the ALIM Title to the PWDI Description field. The ALIM Title is 255 characters long. With PWDI at less than 255...
Currently, internal and external are using separate PW Projects for DM. We have to add external parties through "add external organization feature" and that basically creates a separate PW project for the external parties. As of today, If we put b...
When files are deleted from a Managed Workspace, they are not deleted from the local user directories. This is a huge problem. The whole point of using a Managed Workspace is to ensure end-users use company standard design libraries, cells, specif...
Please include customized roles (manage roles) in InfrastructureCloud
Please include the option to customize roles (manage roles) under 'Manage your team', so that users can be divided into subdiscipline roles such as 'Civil' 'drainage' 'road' - it was possible in PW365 but not in infrastructure cloud (yet).
Something that's driven me crazy for years is the Export tool in ProjectWise Client.
Many times, I want to export the selected file and NOT the references...
Lots of reasons why I may want to do this and, regularly, our files have 20, 30...