Identify Files/Folders with Excessive Character Length
It should be possible, through insights, to identify the files whose paths exceed the allowed character limit. Using the logs in the drive is not reliable, and it should be easier to monitor and identify this issue.
Add the ability to select multiple documents so you can open them without having to open them one by one. to avoid opening too many documents, add a variable in dmskrnl.cfg to set the maximum number of documents to be opened, e.g. 10 documents by ...
To get the shortest path as possible we would like to use the Projet Number. However this does not give enough details. As such the display on the PW drive on the user PC should be Project number- the name Example a corporate setup will give this:...
iModels are becoming a very convenient way to conduct design reviews in a federated environment. However, there are early stages of design before federation that require reviewing design files individually rather than in a federated environment. C...
Could be interesting to have a way to configure a user to have the WorkArea/Folder Synchronized if he is added to the Portal Project and also have PW Drive Installed in his computer
Enhanced UI for Modify function (batch metadata update)
The modify function within ProjectWise Explorer works great but the user interface isn't great and is not very intuitive for basic users to use. Most end up editing individual files instead of using this. By providing a customisable UI potentially...
Please enable functionality to auto-start co-authoring sessions when a user opens an Office365 document, rather than a separate process to start it through menus. Whether this is an enterprise toggle or not for companies, does not matter. But it w...
export list of users sorted out by user list at once withought using PowerShell
In the Administrator module, there is a function allowing to export in a .txt file the names of the users for each user list. We need to do this list by list. If we have dozens of lists in a datasource this is very time consuming. The use of Power...