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Export to Excel Wizard is not user friendly, how to expand the window pane?

Hi All, Every pw user that uses Export to Excel wizard wil definitely cringe everytime they use this feature. 1. All users want is to select the files and would like to see the whole information by dragging the borders to expand the window pane.So...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 2 Needs review

Develop ProjectWise user onboarding tool for adding users to ProjectWise Datasources & Access control lists.

A standard out of the box tool that allows for users to be easily added to Datasources & Projects/Access Control lists or groups.
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Updated UI For ProjectWise Explorer

A new updated UI for PW Explorer, the interface has not been updated to my knowledge in well over a decade and is starting to show its age. In a training session recently I had a younger engineer questioning what the icon on an exported document r...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 3 Needs review

Enable users to see who is on the project (make special right)

Currently, a normal user cannot see the project participants. This is exclusively accesible by the project owner role. There is a workaround that this person creates an issue and looks into the assign to dropdown. But this is not really a satisfyi...
about 2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Administration 0 Needs review

Design Review connection controls - re-order connection executions

Hi. On some imodels we need a few different connections so we can better manage the content and sync routines/timeline. It would be nice if we could order the connections and group them into a batch for scheduling. That way we could make sure that...
about 2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 0 Needs review

Bring back iDesktop Auto-Login to ProjectWise 2023

Users are complaining that they have to click login each time. Yes it remembers their name, but everyone is used to it auto logging in to PW.
11 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Support for document list Column Filter Operators for Multiple String Filters + Saved Filters

Hello Bentley, My idea is support for document list column filter operators for multiple filters. I would also like the option to save the filters either into Custom Views, Custom Saved Filters [as a Custom View subset], and/ or a user PW User Pre...
9 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

Link forms and document attributes

The idea behind this request is to make the most of the Infrastructure Cloud functionalities by connecting them together. Typically, projects have different requirements in terms of Document Management, and the effort that re-configuring the PW Ad...
about 1 year ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Design Review 5 Needs review

Link DGNWS to WorkArea Type

There is a bit of redundancy in using DGNWS on ProjectWise when considering the roles WorkArea Types and Environments can play in attribute exchange. It would be very convenient if there was a way to exchange the data from the ProjectWise environm...
29 days ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review

ProjectWise WEB to use phone (WEB site scaling depending on the platform used)

We hope for better usability for phones. Currently, the view cannot be enlarged or expanded and the menus cannot be moved if the phone is in use. Screenshots from Iphone 12 attached. The view opens better on the iPad. Menus cannot be used. You ca...
10 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review