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ProjectWise Components Center

Showing 28

Issues feature like on GitHub

It would be useful if users could submit issues with components to highlight errors in the design or suggestions for new components/features. As with GitHub issues should be visible to all users so they can see what the outstanding issues are and ...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Needs review

12D Integration

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Design System Integration 0 Will not implement

Keep folders open when going to a link

When opening af Filery-link from an e-mail, Filery automatic jumps to the link-destination, and closes down all open folders in Filery. Would it be possible to keep open folders open, for making it easier to go back to work after checking the link...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Needs review

Add ability to place an older version of components

As stated, provide the ability to place an older version of components. Design standards often change and there will be a need to utilize an older version of components if they are updated to meet current standards while a project uses legacy stan...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Needs review

Adding Notification tool on BCC.

Can we get the notification of the activities going on into BCC
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Design System Integration 0 Future consideration

Add item types

item types can be used to attach internal company data (like our internal order numbers) to each part. Once the component is placed, a report can be generated to build a material list including company specific information.
over 4 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center 1 Planned

Deleting latest revision on ProjectWise

Currently, if we delete latest revisions of a document on projectwise (when there are multiple revisions), all histroric revisions are deleted. System admin should be able to delete the latest revision which was created by mistake by users, as som...
11 months ago in ProjectWise Components Center 0 Needs review

Download button on main screen

Rather than having to click the "Details" button and then download the file, it would be nice to have a download button right on the main screen where you are filtering files. I understand that there may be more than one design file associated wit...
about 5 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Future consideration

Adding content from a Branded catalog

Being able to "select all" components from another catalog to add to our own organisations catalog is a limiting factor at present when some of the ABB/Siemens catalogs we're wanting to utilise contain >3000 components
over 4 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Component Management 0 Needs review

Subscribe or link to Branded catalogs

To be able to access all of the available content from a particular Brand(s) of catalog without the manual process of adding components to ones own catalog library
over 4 years ago in ProjectWise Components Center / Manufacturer Content 0 Needs review