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ProjectWise Drive

Showing 41

PW Drive : Allow multiple users on same machine

When different users log in on a common machine (not at the same time) today only the very first user gets the ProjectWise Drive icon in the Windows File Explorer. The next user does not see this. For MicroSoft One Drive, each user has his/her own...
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 2 Needs review

ProjectWise Drive local organizer

It would be great to have a local document organizer for ProjectWise Drive & Web to know through different tabs: the documents out to ourselves (check out documents) with a possibility to check in them. the files copied locally in Drive in fol...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 2 Needs review

For better compatibility between PW Explorer and PW Drive

Hi. Folder name in PW Drive can't have "windows spécial caracters". / \ " * | < > but, this "spécial caracters" are allowed in PW Explorer and create error in PW Drive, folders using this special caracters can't be retrieve in PW Drive....
almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

popup concerning invalid character should detail the fullpath

It happens that PW Drive sends a popup with invalid character in folder or document name but it doesn't allow to fix the issue because it doesn't give the full path of folder(s) and document(s) concerned. It should detail the invalid full path.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Consistent integration of the references management between PWExplorer and PWDrive

Management of the references differs between PW Drive and PW Explorer. If we want to fully utilize the power of PWD, there should be a consistent approach for how the files locations generated in both solutions. If PWE requires a unique link to pw...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 1 Needs review

Always synchronize files in Drive folder with ProjectWise

When we add a file in DRIVE, it is added in PW by default if we are in an environment with no document code but not if there is a document code. Could we have an option to add it in PW in any case? It could be added with no wizard by default if it...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 1 Needs review

Synchronisation and automatique wizard pop up on DRIVE

When putting a new file on DRIVE, we really need automatic synchronisation with automatic opening of the wizard pop up to put code (if any) / name / description / attributes of the file - directly when we put the file in a drive folder (as it is i...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 1 Needs review

Action 'Open with' in ProjectWise Web and Drive

Is it possible to get the action 'Open With' with PW Drive or 'Open with in app' from PW Web. It can be important for CAD applications from example if different versions are installed on the same PC.
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Sync Projects from ProjectWise Explorer

It would be helpful to be able to sync a connected/PW365 work area from the right click menu in ProjectWise Explorer. This would eliminate the need to open the documents from PW365, clicking the ProjectWise Drive options button and then toggling o...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review

Add Activity Monitoring

Users would like the ability to monitor activity in real time as files are synchronized/uploaded, with the option to monitor activity across all synchronized projects or on a per project basis. Would also like to be able to view synchronization/up...
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Drive 0 Needs review