Renditions to be able to use the model desc. as the page (bookmark) name
when using renditions to make sets from dgn files. i need the ability to name the sheets in a multi-page pdf (bookmark for each sheet) to use the sheet model desc. property as that page name.
Visual icons for components to add differentiation
Adding visual icons to depict various differentiators for components such as difference in availability (think red, amber and green circles on the components) or ability to add cost and carbon values using icons (or text)
Currently, internal reviews(using WFs) and external reviews (using PWDM) are 2 separate processes. There is no single master status on the document that reflects the live status in the project lifecycle. External communication stages shall also ha...
When using the column filter. Shortcut keys are not applicable CTRL+C, X, V. But instead, you need to use right click copy or paste. It would be more faster and time saver to use short cut keys.
We have requested a reduction in the time it takes to update certain projects in Project Insights. Today we need some projects to have their Project Insights updated more quickly due to the area's needs.
Currently it's very hard to track what is a previous version of a document vs a different document entirely. This is especially problematic if the document has been renamed and/or the user has read-only access to the active version.
Could be interesting to have a way to configure a user to have the WorkArea/Folder Synchronized if he is added to the Portal Project and also have PW Drive Installed in his computer