We plan to have a more intensive use of the WRE action. Which in turn will get the menu populate with more options. Request is to review the WRE user interface to allow more action to be add and customize the interface.
Ability to filter projects to differentiate ProjectWise 365 and Infrastructure Cloud projects
We have some projects in ProjectWise 365 and some in Infrastructure cloud. We need to be able to see a consolidated list of ProjectWise 365 projects and Infrastructure Cloud Projects.
currently we have this data in the measurement properties, but being able to visually see the components as we can in Navisworks is a better tool for "show and tell" while performing a design review
When we create a new version of the transmission, we have a view that allow the users to see documents base on their acceptance. Only the to update document show the new version action. For document under accepted document, we found out that we of...
For better compatibility between PW Explorer and PW Drive
Folder name in PW Drive can't have "windows spécial caracters". / \ " * | < >
but, this "spécial caracters" are allowed in PW Explorer and create error in PW Drive, folders using this special caracters can't be retrieve in PW Drive....
Can a way to export the team members of a project be added? It would be great to be able export Team Members and their roles to a CSV or Excel file for management purposes.
Update two Managed Workspace synchronization processes to support removal of obsolete files & folders.
In ProjectWise Administrator the "Managed Configuration Import Wizard > Import Data to ProjectWise from the File System" process does not identify obsolete files & folders for removal. In addition, when those same obsolete files & folde...
Please give us the possibility to generate a report that shows who is connecting to a datasource and licenses used. Right now, we can only generate a report with the total number, we would like to have this information separated and classified for...
popup concerning invalid character should detail the fullpath
It happens that PW Drive sends a popup with invalid character in folder or document name but it doesn't allow to fix the issue because it doesn't give the full path of folder(s) and document(s) concerned. It should detail the invalid full path.