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Expiration of Access Lists

As the world moves to being more connected and allowing collaboration between organizations why can't we have Expiration Dates for User Lists and Users. This would allow better management of 3rd party and temporary access.
about 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Streamlined iModel Creation Directly from Document Management

Accelerate and simplify the process of creating iModels by integrating iModel creation seamlessly into the Document Management area within Bentley’s Infrastructure Cloud. Currently, the process is inefficient, slow and poorly connected: users must...
4 months ago in ProjectWise Web & View 0 Needs review

Validate document metadata before sending Transmittals

We act as the client and receive all of our deliverables through PWDM. We request the following metadata on every document we receive: document code, project code, location, originator, discipline, project milestone, location code, document type, ...
about 1 month ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

Allow a non-owner to import documents before everyone has acknowledged a transmittal

The 'document controller' function on a project is the person who will import the documents from Deliverables Management into our PW Explorer. Currently, if all recipients have not yet acknowledged a transmittal, then the document controller canno...
about 1 month ago in Deliverables Management 0 Needs review

PW Explorer and Admin UI redesign

The ProjectWise Explorer and Admin User Interfaces are outdated. It would be great if they were redesigned to look more modern and not have UI locks on every operation (the green progress bar freezes the whole interface whenever a big file is bein...
over 2 years ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 6 Future consideration

PW Explorer - Get links to multiple documents

ProjectWise Explorer is missing Get Links for multiple selected documents functionality. Such functionality is only available in PW Web, and forces PW Explorer users to switch to Connected Project in order to generate multiple links at once. Enabl...
9 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Planned

Model data in Project Insights dashboards

Integrate iModel data directly into Project Insights dashboards within the Bentley iTwin platform to bridge the gap in current reporting capabilities. Currently, Power BI-style dashboards focus primarily on documents and deliverables, providing a ...
4 months ago in ProjectWise Project Insights 0

Request for 'Approved in ProjectWise' footer stamp for approved PDFs

We have a large project where documents, drawings, and models are produced in multiple CDEs. We were asked to set up a stamp in the footer of all PDFs approved in ProjectWise, whether CAD or Microsoft 365, outside of the title blocks. We effective...
over 1 year ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 1 Needs review

Home page - personal notepad

I miss an easy possibility to write personal notes somewhere in projects. So I have to write down my notes for each project in an other software tool, or even on paper. That's unproductive. My favourite solution would be a box for notes on the Hom...
about 2 months ago in Infrastructure Cloud / Home Page 0 Future consideration

OpenUtilities Substation ICS to PDF Renditioning

Hi There, We highly rely on the renditioning feature in ProjectWise to a PDF our approved drawings. Our design workflow has automations in place, when a drawing is approved in ProjectWise the rendition engine will automatically create a PDF suc...
7 months ago in ProjectWise Design Integration 0 Needs review