Issues in PDF Markup will not show the date format consistent with the browser, only the American format, which is suboptimal outside the US. The requirement is for the PDF Markup interfaces and Issues within it to reflect the date format enforced...
Add to the contextual menu of the web viewer the option to send documents to a DM transmission ( TR, RFI or GC). As the document is send to a transmission, this will be record in the transmission history.
Disable the PW Explorer button in the email notification
The PW Explorer button in the deliverable notification emails should be able to be disabled, as some users do not plan to use ProjectWise Explorer, and having two buttons that lead to the web portal is unnecessary.
Since column adjustment will not be allowed within the PWDM UI, is it possible to just format the subject in "wrap text" so the user will see the whole subject for the package instead of hovering their mouse on each subject just to see the whole s...
Options for ScanRef to only fix broken or non-ProjectWise reference files
ScanRef currently relinks every reference file. Would like an options to fix broken links or any non-projectwise links (i assume many non-projectwise links might not actually be "broken" when scanref runs on a user's machine)
Interface rendering in PW Web, make this easier to see, more like PW Explorer (it currently renders things in odd places) and easier to use, without the need to hit the pencil to edit attributes.
Switching Attribute Interface within CADD Authoring tool
When accessing the properties button / command and accessing the attribute interface tab within an authoring application such as AutoCAD or MicroStation (Keyin - TITLEBLOCK MODIFY (within MicroStation) or _dmsproperties (within AutoCAD) ), the ‘cu...
Have the ability of assign a version of ORD per project
Instead of having to do an open with and guessing what version ORD to use. Having the the ability to assign what version a project uses would save a lot of time.
Users would like the ability to monitor activity in real time as files are synchronized/uploaded, with the option to monitor activity across all synchronized projects or on a per project basis. Would also like to be able to view synchronization/up...
We have users place as additional reviewer and they would like to delegate their response. As of today it seems that only the consolidator of the additional reviewer can remove and add. No delegation is possible.