In ProjectWise, if you wish to disable the prompt when a referenced file name is changed, it currently isn’t possible.
It would indeed be beneficial if, while running a batch process in ProjectWise, one could avoid the pop-up message stating, “One or more referenced files have been renamed and/or moved. ProjectWise has updated the master file to account for these ...
PW365 interface multivalue field inserting new value
Users who fulfil the document reference card could insert new values into a multivalue field. This is possible through explorer but just few people inside our organization has access to it so it could be useful for those who add attribute values t...
Create New Version on CheckIn (or even during the design session).
Current workflow requires that a Version be created prior to opening the file. I often find that it is not until while I am editing a file, that I determine that a new version is warranted. This requires closing the file, creating new version then...
Add ability to change Condition check fail message for users.
When a condition check fails in the workflow it gives a cryptic message. "Error: For the document: '123456-ABC-00-01-ABCD-XX-000001' The attribute 'RV_NOTE_1' with value '' Does not satisfy the not empty condition'" Example above for Revision when...
Request is to have a way to reposition and iModel that is wrongly geolocate. Example display the Survey Point or the the Project Base Point ( in the example of a REVIT file) and assign a new coordinate or move to a specific location. However that ...
Versions will automatically be labeled with A, B, C. There should be an option to choose for versions to be automatically numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4....
Notification for the sender of response like "All transmittal responses sended"
When someone send a response:The person sending the responses should receive a notification in their email with a summary of the responses sent, similar to the notification received by the issuer "All transmittal responses received."
Allow user to use PW Explorer functionality based on Passport or Visa
Most of the PW users are read only users and organizations wants to consider them passport users. Such user has to go to separate interface. Can we make PW explorer intelligent that based on log in user (Admin can decide type of that user as passp...
when bringing single models to an imodel, it only brings in the file name, can we have the ability to add a description to the model . For example, in the grab below, unless you know the project you couldn't pick what model is what. the ability to...